


not voting isn’t refusing to play the game. You’re in this country, you’re subject to the game whether you like it or not. The only way not to play is to leave, and the vast majority of us don’t have that option.

Not voting is playing the game but saying ‘pass’ every time your turn comes up and then wondering why you lost.

Making young people not vote is actually a tactic used in politics to keep the satus quo. The young vote is always the one for change, so dissuading them from voting at all is actually a political tactic used by the people in charge to keep themselves there.

Voting is rebellion.

What do we say to people who say “gradually pushing our agenda forward via the electoral system won’t work for the far left”?

We say “it sure worked for the far right



1 – gives kibble to dogs in shelters with a single click

2 – gives 10 pieces of kibble to dogs in shelters, whether you get the question right or not

3 – gives 10 pieces of kibble to cats in shelters, whether you get the question right or not

4 – gives cat litter to cats in shelters with a single click

*opens 4 new tabs*